
21st Century Soy Isoflavones Extract Standardized

Supplement Rating
Ranked 30th among 62 Women's Health products.
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21st Century Soy Isoflavones Extract Standardized FACTS AND ALTERNATIVES COMPARISON


21st Century Soy Isoflavones Extract Standardized

21st Century
Supplement Rating
21st Century Soy Isoflavones Extract Standardized

Thorne Research Uristatin

Thorne Research
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Thorne Research Uristatin

Thorne Research Meta-Balance

Thorne Research
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Thorne Research Meta-Balance

Now Foods Herbal Pause With EstroG-100

NOW Foods
Supplement Rating
Now Foods Herbal Pause With EstroG-100
Serving Size 2 Vegetarian Capsules Three Capsules Two Capsules 1 Veg Capsule
Price/Serving $0.34 $1.15 238% $0.87 156% $0.33 3%
Servings Per Container 30 20 33% 60 100% 60 100%
Soy Isoflavones 100 mg missing substance or information* missing substance or information* missing substance or information*
Buchu Extract (leaf) (agathosma Betulina) missing substance or information* 300 mg (leaf) (Agathosma betulina) missing substance or information* missing substance or information*
Echinacea Angustifolia missing substance or information* 300 mg (root) missing substance or information* missing substance or information*
Berberine Hcl missing substance or information* 300 mg (from Indian Barberry extract) (root) (Berberis aristata) missing substance or information* missing substance or information*
Uva-ursi missing substance or information* 300 mg (leaf) (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) missing substance or information* missing substance or information*
Hesperidin missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 200 mg missing substance or information*
Organic Chaste Tree Berry missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 100 mg (fruit) (Vitex agnus-castus) missing substance or information*
Dong Quai (angelica Sinensis) missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 100 mg (root) (Angelica sinensis) missing substance or information*
Wild Yam missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 100 mg (root) (Dioscorea villosa) missing substance or information*
Black Cohosh missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 100 mg (root) (Actaea racemosa) missing substance or information*
Estrog-100 missing substance or information* missing substance or information* missing substance or information* 257 mg (a unique blend of extracts of Phlomis umbrosa, Cynanchum wilfordii and Angelica gigas Nakai) (Roots)

*Some information on the 21st Century Soy Isoflavones Extract Standardizedlabel may be missing, or it may have been written incorrectly. We work hard to keep the information accurate & up to date. Please let us know if you discover any errors.

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