Can you get vitamin D through a window? Vitamin D. Facts, Science and Supplementation.

It’s generally accepted that your body cannot synthesize vitamins in sufficient quantities on its own. There are a few technical exceptions, but for the most part, you need to acquire vitamins from your diet.
You could also supplement your intake if you feel you’re suffering from a deficiency. You could also expose yourself to sunlight, in the case of Vitamin D generation.
What We Know About Vitamin D and Its Health Benefits?
This essential fat-soluble vitamin is popular for its role in maintaining healthy bones and teeth and improving your immune system functionality. Indirectly, it contributes to reduced risk of certain cancers and autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
A Brief History of Vitamin D Discovery.
Since the early 20th century, biochemists have been aware of the existence of vitamins and their role in maintaining normal physiological functions in the body. Polish biochemist Casimir Funk is known as the first proponent of theory on the matter of what he called “vitamines”.
Around the same time, English biochemist Frederick Gowland Hopkins discovered the importance of vitamins in preventing diseases such as scurvy and rickets. You may have heard stories about sailors hoarding oranges on long trips to keep from getting scurvy. It’s not a myth.
What are the Five Forms of Vitamin D?
Vitamin D has five distinct types. They are completely different compounds, with a near identical structure. Three of these, namely D1, D4 and D5 have not been studied at length and are considered largely irrelevant in physiology. D4 was once used to treat hypoparathyroidism, but this is no longer common practice.
This leaves D2 and D3 as the only medically relevant Vitamin D variants today.
Vitamin D2.
Ergocalciferol is less potent than its sibling D3 and it is usually obtained through fortified foods and supplements. It has some health benefits, but it is certainly less popular than D3.
Vitamin D3.
Cholecalciferol, the most important of all Vitamin D variants. It regulates calcium absorption and metabolism in the body. It does this by enhancing intestinal calcium absorption. It also reduces urinary calcium excretion and promotes bone mineralization.
What is the Difference between Vitamin D2 and D3?
D3 is most reliably acquired through sun exposure and animal products, whereas D2 is best acquired from plant-based foods and fungi. D2 also stays in the body for a shorter period of time than D3.
How Can We Acquire Vitamin D? Sun Exposure.
Contrary to popular belief, sunlight doesn’t contain Vitamin D, it only spurs the chemical reaction in your skin that leads to vitamin production. A particular form of cholesterol in your skin, called 7-dehydrocholesterol, is converted into pre-vitamin D3. Then, this form of pre-D3 undergoes a chemical reaction in the liver and kidneys eventually leading to synthesis of the needed forms of Vitamin D.
In other words, the sun spurs the reaction. It doesn’t provide the chemical. You do.
Dietary Sources.
Mushrooms are the main go to for D2 along with certain brands of orange juice, cereal and plant-based milk alternatives.
Vitamin D3 is easier to get your hands on, if you like animal products. You can get it from fatty fish, beef liver, cheese, egg yolks and the like.
Getting enough vitamin D from diet alone can be difficult, especially if you’ve got limited sun exposure. Therefore, vitamin D supplements may be a necessary addition to your diet. Always defer to the expertise of your physician.
Vitamin D Deficiency – What are the Causes and Risk Factors? Lack of Sun Exposure.
- Geographical Location
People who live in latitudes far from the equator such as the northern US and Canada have limited sun exposure for several months of the year, which can lead to vitamin D deficiency.
- Skin Tone
Skin tone has a significant impact on how much vitamin D the skin can produce in response to sunlight. Melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color, acts as a natural sunscreen and reduces the skin's ability to produce vitamin D.
People with darker skin tones naturally have more melanin. It takes them longer to produce the same amount of vitamin D as someone with lighter skin, even under the same amount of sunlight. This can put individuals with darker skin tones at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency, especially if they live in areas with limited sun exposure or do not consume adequate amounts of vitamin D through their diet or supplements. Therefore, people with darker skin tones might benefit greatly from vitamin D supplementation, in cases of deficit.
- Clothing Choices
Clothing choices can of course contribute to vitamin D deficiency. Wearing clothes that cover most of the skin, using sunscreen, and an indoor lifestyle can all contribute to lower levels of vitamin D. It is not uncommon for people with long term in-door lifestyles to suffer from a deficiency, especially in cases when they work underground or in dark places for extended periods of time.
An Inadequate Dietary Intake Could Be Harming You
- Vegan and Vegetarian Diets
May be inadequate in vitamin D3, which is mainly found in animal products, and may require vitamin D2 supplements or fortified foods to meet recommended intake levels.
- Fat Malabsorption Issues
Medical conditions like cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and an inflammatory bowel can lower the absorption of dietary fat, which can also decrease the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
- Digestive Disorders
Like fat malabsorption issues, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), celiac disease, and pancreatic weakness, can lead to vitamin D deficiencies. They impair the body's ability to absorb vitamin D from food properly.
What are The Medical Conditions that Affect Vitamin D Absorption?
- Obesity
Since vitamin D is fat-soluble, it can become sequestered in adipose tissue in obese individuals, leading to decreased bioavailability. Obese individuals may require higher doses of vitamin D supplements to achieve adequate levels.
- Liver and Kidney Diseases
The liver and kidneys help convert vitamin D to its active form. Individuals with liver or kidney disease may have impaired vitamin D metabolism, leading to deficiency.
- Celiac Disease
Celiac disease can damage the lining of the small intestine, leading to malabsorption of nutrients, including vitamin D.
It is recommended not to draw assumptions regarding the relationship between any and all medical conditions you might have and your vitamin D levels. Any symptoms you might experience could be the sing of different deficiencies or even undiscovered maladies. Consult your physician if you feel any fatigue, muscle weakness or even depression. A self-diagnosis on the matter is ill advised.
Medications that Affect Vitamin D Absorption.
- Anticonvulsants
Anticonvulsant medications like phenytoin and carbamazepine can increase the metabolizing of vitamin D, leading to lower overall levels. Individuals taking these medications may require vitamin D supplementation.
- Corticosteroids
It is known that corticosteroid medications like prednisone can interfere with absorption, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and generally affecting the levels of vitamin D in your system.
- HIV Drugs
HIV medications like Efavirenz and Nevirapine can cause vitamin D deficiency by increasing the metabolism of vitamin D.
Which Population Groups Are at Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency
- Infants and Children
Infants that are breastfed depend on the mother’s diet and supplied nutrients. It’s difficult to tell whether the child’s vitamin D needs are being met. It is important to expose infants to a healthy dose of sunlight, with proper advisement from your pediatrician.
Children can be picky eaters, leading to a serious deficiency of healthy nutrients. Vitamin C deficiency is more common if your children are averse to fruits and vegetables, but given a healthy balanced diet, vitamin D deficiency is likely to occur.
There are available supplement formulas that were especially designed for children, including some flavored snacks that they can enjoy snacking on. Drops are the most preferred method lately.
- Pregnant and Lactating Women
On the other side of the toddler-mother relationship, pregnant women can experience a deficiency due to higher need for vitamin D. Firstly, there’s a need for vitamin D in the preparation of calcium for breast milk. Secondly, vitamin D is used heavily in the formation of the infant’s bones.
- Elderly People
The aging of the skin lessens its ability to properly absorb sunlight which is a serious concern for elderly people. Combined with the fact that statistically speaking, elderly people are likelier to stay indoors and lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is likely that vitamin D deficiency becomes increasingly more likely with age.
Consequences of Vitamin D deficiency
Most symptoms of vitamin D deficiency have to do with the relationship between this vitamin and calcium in the body.
Role of Vitamin D in Calcium Absorption.
The chemical reactions that lead to calcium absorption are very complex and involve several intermediary chemicals. Calcium initially binds to calbindin, which is produced in response to vitamin D presence in the body.
Vitamin D is also converted to its active form, calcitriol, in the liver and kidneys. This active form stimulates the production of calbindin, which in turn leads to increased production of calcium transport proteins, namely TRPV6 and PMCA1b.
Fracture Risk Reduction with Vitamin D Supplementation.
In continuation of the previous observation about calcium absorption, Vitamin D plays a role in reducing the risk of bone weakness and unwelcome rigidity. It’s beneficial both in preemptive bone health improvement and in cases of previously diagnosed bone disorders.
Muscle Weakness and Pain
- Myopathy
Myopathy is a condition that causes muscle weakness and pain from the deterioration of muscle fibers. in the muscles, leading to weakened muscle contractions. Supplementing your diet with Vitamin D can
- Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain and tenderness in the muscles and joints. Recent studies have suggested a possible link between fibromyalgia and vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is a hormone that plays a crucial role in bone health and immune function, and it has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.
One study found that fibromyalgia patients had roughly the same levels of Vitamin D as the healthy control group, however, that same study found that patients with the greatest impact of the disease had lower concentrations of vitamin D. This suggests some negative correlation at the least.
The mechanisms behind this link are not yet fully understood, but it is believed that vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development or exacerbation of fibromyalgia symptoms by promoting inflammation and impairing immune function. Further research is needed.
- Chronic Pain Syndromes
Studies have found a correlation between chronic pain syndromes and vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in maintaining bone health, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help alleviate pain.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to musculoskeletal pain, and supplementation may improve symptoms. Additionally, low levels of vitamin D have been associated with conditions such as fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is important to maintain adequate vitamin D levels through sun exposure and/or supplementation to potentially reduce the risk of chronic pain syndromes.
Immune Function.
- Autoimmune Disorders
Vitamin D is an important factor in regulating the immune system. Its deficiency has been linked to the development of autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis. Vitamin D plays a role in decreasing inflammatory cytokines and increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines.
Studies have shown that individuals with autoimmune disorders have lower levels of vitamin D. Maintaining adequate levels of vitamin D through diet and sunlight exposure may help prevent the development of autoimmune disorders.
- Infectious Diseases
Vitamin D plays a role in supporting our immune system and protecting us from infectious diseases. Deficiency in vitamin D has been associated with an increased risk of respiratory infections, such as colds, flu, and pneumonia, as well as other infectious diseases. Vitamin D is involved in the production of antimicrobial peptides that help fight against bacteria, viruses, and fungi. It also modulates the immune response by regulating the production of cytokines. Adequate vitamin D levels have been shown to reduce the risk and severity of infectious diseases.
Cardiovascular Health.
- Hypertension
Vitamin D plays a role in regulating blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of hypertension. When vitamin D levels are low, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated, leading to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure.
Additionally, vitamin D deficiency can lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction, all of which contribute to hypertension. Adequate vitamin D levels can help prevent hypertension and improve cardiovascular health. It is important to get regular check-ups and maintain healthy vitamin D levels through sun exposure or supplementation.
- Heart Disease
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency is associated with an increased risk of hypertension. When vitamin D levels are low, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated, leading to vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure.
Additionally, vitamin D deficiency can lead to insulin resistance, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction, all of which contribute to hypertension. Adequate vitamin D levels can help prevent hypertension and improve cardiovascular health. It is important to get regular check-ups and maintain healthy vitamin D levels through sun exposure or supplementation.
Mental Health.
- Depression - Low levels of Vitamin D have been linked to depression. Vitamin D is involved in the production of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that regulate mood. Without enough Vitamin D, it is thought that the brain cannot produce enough of these neurotransmitters. Additionally, Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk for developing depression. Supplementation of Vitamin D has been found to improve symptoms of depression in some individuals.
- Cognitive Decline - Vitamin D is important for brain function. Low levels of Vitamin D have been associated with cognitive decline and dementia. The exact mechanisms behind this are not fully understood, but it is thought that Vitamin D may have a protective effect on brain cells and may be involved in the production of nerve growth factors.
- Seasonal Affective Disorder - Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that is linked to changes in seasons. It is thought that the lack of sunlight during the winter months may cause a decrease in Vitamin D levels, resulting in the development of SAD. There is evidence to suggest that Vitamin D supplementation may improve symptoms of SAD.
Anti-Aging and Disease Prevention.
Aging is commonly known to cause a plethora of unpredictable diseases that cannot be cured outright, but most of them are well
How to Know Your Vitamin D Levels:
- Indications for Testing
A 25-Hydroxyvitamin D blood test is used to measure Vitamin D levels in the blood. It may be ordered if a person is experiencing symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency, such as bone pain or muscle weakness. It may also be ordered for individuals who are at risk for Vitamin D deficiency, such as those with limited sun exposure, malabsorption disorders, or obesity.
- Interpretation of Results
Vitamin D levels are measured in ng/mL. A level of 30 ng/mL or higher is considered adequate for most people. Levels below 20 ng/mL are considered deficient, while levels between 20-30 ng/mL are considered insufficient. However, some experts argue that levels above 40 ng/mL may be needed for optimal health. Treatment for Vitamin D deficiency may involve supplementation with Vitamin D3.
Other Methods of Evaluating Your Vitamin D levels:
- Urine Sample - A 24-hour urine sample can be used to measure the amount of Vitamin D that a person is excreting. However, this method is not commonly used as it is difficult to collect a complete 24-hour sample and the results may be affected by factors such as hydration status.
- Saliva Sample - Some research suggests that saliva samples may be a reliable way to measure Vitamin D levels. However, this method is not yet widely used or validated and more research is needed to determine its accuracy. Increasing Your Levels of Vitamin D
Sun Exposure:
- Recommended Exposure Times: Sun exposure is a vital source of Vitamin D for humans. The amount of Vitamin D produced in the skin from sun exposure depends on various factors such as the time of day, season, latitude, skin pigmentation, and the amount of skin exposed. It is recommended to expose the skin to the sun for 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times a week, during midday when the UVB rays are strongest. This duration is enough to produce adequate Vitamin D levels for most people.
- Safety Precautions: While sun exposure is essential for Vitamin D production, it can also cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer. It is, therefore, important to take safety precautions such as wearing sun-protective clothing, applying sunscreen, and avoiding prolonged exposure during peak hours. Those with fair skin or a history of skin cancer should consult with a healthcare provider before increasing sun exposure.
Dietary Sources:
- Foods High in Vitamin D: Vitamin D is naturally found in very few foods, with fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks being some of the best sources. Other foods such as fortified dairy products, orange juice, and cereals can also provide Vitamin D. However, it can be challenging to obtain adequate amounts of Vitamin D through diet alone.
- Fortified Foods: Due to the limited food sources of Vitamin D, fortification of foods with Vitamin D is a common practice. Fortified foods such as milk, orange juice, and cereals can provide a significant amount of Vitamin D in the diet. It is essential to read food labels to determine the amount of Vitamin D added.
- Forms of Vitamin D Supplements: Vitamin D supplements are available in two forms - Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) and Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Vitamin D3 is the most effective form of Vitamin D as it is the same form that is produced in the skin from sun exposure. Vitamin D2 is less potent and may not raise Vitamin D levels as effectively as Vitamin D3.
- Dosage Recommendations: The recommended daily intake of Vitamin D varies depending on age and health status. The Vitamin D Council recommends a daily intake of 5,000 IU for adults to maintain optimal Vitamin D levels. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for individual needs.
- Safety Concerns: While Vitamin D supplements are generally safe, excessive intake can lead to toxicity. Symptoms of Vitamin D toxicity include nausea, vomiting, weakness, and kidney damage. It is important to follow dosage recommendations and have Vitamin D levels monitored regularly.
Vitamin D Cofactors:
- Role of Calcium in Bone Health: Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in bone health. It is necessary for bone formation, strength, and density. Adequate Vitamin D levels are necessary for the absorption of calcium from the diet. Without adequate Vitamin D, calcium absorption is impaired, leading to low levels of calcium in the blood and weakening of the bones.
- Calcium-Vitamin D Synergy: Vitamin D and calcium work synergistically to support bone health. Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium from the diet, while calcium is necessary for the proper utilization of Vitamin D in the body. Adequate intake of both nutrients is essential for optimal bone health.
- Importance of Magnesium in Vitamin D Metabolism: Magnesium is a cofactor in the enzymatic reactions involved in Vitamin D metabolism. It is necessary for the conversion of Vitamin D to its active form in the liver and kidneys. Low magnesium levels can impair Vitamin D metabolism, leading to Vitamin D deficiency.
- Interaction with Vitamin D: Adequate magnesium levels are necessary for optimal Vitamin D function. Magnesium deficiency can cause Vitamin D resistance, leading to decreased calcium absorption and weakened bones. Supplementing with magnesium can improve Vitamin D levels and bone health.
Vitamin K2:
- Role of Vitamin K2 in Bone Health: Vitamin K2 is essential for bone health as it activates osteocalcin, a protein necessary for bone mineralization. Adequate Vitamin K2 levels are necessary for optimal bone health and may reduce the risk of fractures.
- Relationship with Vitamin D: Vitamin D and K2 work synergistically to support bone health. Vitamin D enhances calcium absorption, while Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, necessary for proper calcium utilization in the bones. Adequate intake of both nutrients is essential for optimal bone health.
- Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that is found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is synthesized in the skin through exposure to sunlight and can also be found in certain foods.
- Research has shown that Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D work together in a number of ways in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to aid the absorption and presence of Vitamin D. Both nutrients have anti-inflammatory properties, and when taken together, they can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can improve cardiovascular health, lower the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, and promote healthy brain function.
- However, it's important to note that excessive intake of Omega-3 fatty acids can actually interfere with the body's ability to metabolize Vitamin D, which can lead to Vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, it's important to consume a balanced diet that includes both Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D, and to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any supplements or making significant dietary changes.
- Overall, the combination of Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin D can have powerful health benefits, but it's important to consume them in moderation and as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Supplementation - Which Vitamin D Is Best for You Capsules Versus Drops.
Vitamin D supplements are available in both liquid and capsule form.
Liquid Vitamin D supplements can be a good option for individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills or capsules. Liquid Vitamin D supplements are also easily absorbed by the body, making it a preferred option for individuals who have absorption issues.
Capsule Vitamin D supplements are a convenient option for individuals who prefer to take a supplement that is easy to swallow and can be taken on-the-go. Capsules are typically formulated with an oil-based carrier to promote better absorption by the body.
Regardless of the form, it is important to choose a Vitamin D supplement that is made with high-quality ingredients and manufactured by a reputable company. Additionally, the supplement should provide the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D, which is typically around 1000-2000 IU per day for adults.
Popular Brands of Vitamin D Supplements.
Nature Made, NOW Foods and Jarrow Formulas
When comparing these three brands, it's important to note that all of them use cholecalciferol as their source of Vitamin D3, which is highly bioavailable and effective.
Additionally, all three brands are free from common allergens like gluten and dairy. However, NOW Foods' supplements are explicitly non-GMO, which may be a consideration for some consumers.
It needs to be noted that the presence of GMOs in Vitamin D3 supplements is unlikely across the board. Cholecalciferol is typically derived from natural sources such as lanolin or fish oil. These sources are not genetically modified.
Additionally, both Nature Made and Jarrow Formulas are known for producing high-quality supplements, and it is likely that they adhere to strict quality control standards to ensure that their products are safe and effective, even if they don’t explicitly market themselves as non-GMO.
In any case, if you are concerned about the presence of GMOs in your supplements, you may want to consider choosing a brand that explicitly states that their products are non-GMO.
Ultimately, the choice between these three brands comes down to personal preference and individual dietary needs.
Dosage and Safety.
When taking high doses of vitamin D supplements (more than 4000 IU/day), it is essential to monitor blood levels regularly to ensure that you are not taking too much. Excessive amounts of vitamin D can lead to a condition called hypercalcemia, which can cause nausea, vomiting, weakness, and kidney damage.
Therefore, if you are taking more than 4000 IU of vitamin D per day, it is recommended that you get a blood check every three months to monitor your vitamin D levels. The blood test measures the amount of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in your blood, which is the most accurate way to determine your vitamin D status.
If your blood test results show that your vitamin D levels are too high, you may need to adjust your dose or stop taking supplements altogether. On the other hand, if your levels are too low, your healthcare provider may recommend increasing your dose or changing your supplement regimen.
Bonus Consideration - Vitamin K2 and You.
Vitamin K2 is a different nutrient from Vitamins D1 through D5. As discussed, vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids that are important for regulating calcium and phosphate levels in the body.
On the other hand, Vitamin K2 is a group of menaquinones that are involved in activating proteins that direct calcium to bones and prevent calcification of arteries. So, functionally, K2 and D work hand in hand. They’re complementary.
Vitamin K2 is found in fermented foods, such as natto and sauerkraut, as well as in some animal products.
Role of Vitamin K2 in Calcium Regulation.
Vitamin K2 plays a crucial role in calcium regulation by activating proteins that direct calcium to bones and prevent its accumulation in soft tissues. Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, a bone protein that binds to calcium and aids in its incorporation into the bone matrix. Moreover, Vitamin K2 activates matrix Gla protein (MGP), a protein that prevents calcification of arteries by inhibiting calcium deposition in arterial walls. Thus, Vitamin K2 deficiency can lead to bone loss and arterial calcification, which can increase the risk of heart disease.
Relationship Between Vitamin D and Vitamin K2.
Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 have a synergistic relationship for optimal bone health. While Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption from the intestine and its deposition into bones, Vitamin K2 activates osteocalcin, which binds calcium to the bone matrix. Furthermore, Vitamin K2 prevents excess calcium from depositing in soft tissues, including arteries, which can lead to calcification and increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, co-supplementation of Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 is beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health.
In essence, both Vitamin D and K2 play important roles in maintaining bone health, but they are structurally and functionally different nutrients. Vitamin D is not a form of Vitamin K2 and vice versa. Neither is more important in regulating bone health and you can’t subsist on only one. Without Vitamin K2, the excess calcium may be deposited in the arteries, leading to calcification and an increased risk of heart disease.
Vitamin D plays a crucial role in our overall health. Deficiencies in this essential vitamin can lead to several health complications, including osteoporosis and weak immune system. Supplementation of Vitamin D is usually recommended, particularly during the winter months when natural sunlight exposure is limited.
Although Vitamin D can be found in small quantities in some foods, it is difficult to consume enough of it through diet alone. However, too much of anything can be harmful, so it's important to follow recommended daily intake guidelines and not to exceed the safe upper limits.
Ultimately, maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D is essential for optimal health and well-being. So, strive to maintain your Vitamin D levels by prioritizing healthy sun exposure, consuming fortified foods, and taking supplements when necessary.
Remember, our health is in our hands!
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